NEXT OF KIN: A Wonderful Debut Sci-fi

In 2024, I’m going to try to write some reviews: of books, film, games, etc, whatever moves me, and my first such subject moves me indeed.

NEXT OF KIN is the debut science fiction novel by Melinda “Mindi” Mitchell, whom (for full disclosure) I know and admire rather a lot. We have been to a couple of the same events, we have mutual friends, and we appreciate one another’s voices. Alas, she moved away from Seattle basically right after I met her, so I kind of assumed that was that.

I could not have been more wrong, and I’m very happy I was.

Because this book hits like the meteor strike that dominates the first chapter and changes the heroine’s world forever.

Not only does the book start out with palpable sadness—the disappointment and frustration of fertility struggles—but it escalates in just a few short pages to apocalyptic loss, not just for our heroine but also for her community. Her world is scorched beyond viability and she must venture forth after this tragedy to find a new life and—perhaps—love.

A powerful narrative, well-balanced between spare prose and raw emotion, awaits Ami as she tries to go on living in a galaxy that seems so dark… and yet there is light.

But only if she fights for it.

Read this book. It shows so much potential and promise from Mitchell. You can feel her passion for this tale—how she delicately takes your hand and leads you through a harrowing, burning landscape toward a better world.

And the best part? 

This is just book one.

Five stars. A must-read.

Proof of book. A must for sci-fi fans. Omni-tool optional.

Learn more at and find this highly promising author on the following socials:




NEXT OF KIN available from ARUS Entertainment